Dig It Landscape & Gardening Service is dedicated in nurturing the
life in the soil that helps maintain healthy and beautiful gardens, and
environments. Dig It uses only natural organic gardening practices, by using natural fertilizers, Actively Aerated Compost Tea, compost, and mulching to help support the living organisms. ___________________________________________________
PRUNING: Natural and Specialty Pruning is our specialty A healthy garden is pruned properly to remove unhealthy foliage, and to enhance
the natural form of trees and shrubs. Most pruning is done by hand
without the use of power equipment. ___________________________________________________
Irrigation is key in supporting healthy growth. Dig It installs, repairs, upgrades old sprinkler systems to low flow, and retrofits sprinkler systems to drip systems. ___________________________________________________
No Chemical Fertilizers, Herbicides, Pesticides, or Fungicides used.